Birding in San Pancho

News from the non-profit birding club in San Pancho:

“What is coming next season for S.P.B.O.
As the freshly feathered San Pancho Bird Observatory (SPBO) fledges our team is working to bring birding in San Pancho to the next level.
Weekly bilingual bird-id lectures will be offered at Entreamigos; these lectures will be oriented both to visitors and locals. Lectures will be arranged by bird family or groups of birds by habitat so that more people in our community are able to identify birds by sight and by ear! These will be FUN!!!

SPBO is creating informative signs at head trails and providing hotels and restaurants with customized brochures that feature maps/checklist to birding trails. These will allow for tourists to be aware of the incredibly rich bird diversity of San Pancho making our town a more attractive destination for birdwatchers which will create more flow for businesses in town.
So, as you can see there is a lot happening and being prepared for a great 2012-2013 birding season!”

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